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General Assembly

Non-political functions and activities of the League of Nations other than those mentioned in Section I.
Transfer to the United Nations of powers exercised by the League of Nations under the International Agreements, Conventions and Protocols on Narcotic Drugs.


Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
Powers exercised by the League of Nations under the international agreements, conventions and protocols on narcotic drugs.
United Nations Research Laboratories.


Decision 1 (I)
Rules of Procedure.
Decision 2 (I)
Invitation to the Permanent Central Opium Board and the Supervisory Body.
Decision 3 (I)
Illicit Traffic.
Decision 4 (I)
Drug Addiction.
Decision 5 (I)
Re-establishment at its pre-war level of international control of narcotic drugs.
Decision 6 (I)
Re-establishment at its pre-war level of international control of narcotic drugs.
Decision 7 (I)
Re-establishment at its pre-war level of international control of narcotic drugs.
Decision 8 (I)
Re-establishment at its pre-war level of international control of narcotic drugs.
Decision 9 (I)
Re-establishment at its pre-war level of international control of narcotic drugs.
Decision 10 (I)
Report of the Special Committee charged with the study of the question of the control of narcotic drugs in Japan and Korea.
Resolution 1 (I)
Transfer of functions of the League of Nations.
Resolution 2 (I)
Appointment of sub-commissions and committees.
Resolution 3 (I)
Limitation of the production of raw materials.
Resolution 4 (I)
Abolition of opium-smoking in the Far East.
Resolution 5 (I)
Drug addiction.
Resolution 6 (I)
Re-establishment at its pre-war level of international control of narcotic drugs.
Resolution 7 (I)
The future control of narcotic drugs in Japan and Korea.
Resolution 8 (I)
The future control of narcotic drugs in Japan and Korea.
Resolution 9 (I)
Procedure for future appointments to the Permanent Central Opium Board.